See the Haste section for more information on that stat.

You can't increase this stat directly, but you can reduce it some via Haste. You should be taking it more than most of the others, outside of Haste and Critical Chance. Even if you intend to mostly play passively, Click Damage is still a valuable stat as your skills "click" rather than play off your Auto-attack damage. This is initially based off your Auto-attack damage and then further augmented by equipment stats. This affects your character's attack as well as your Click Damage, as Click Damage is multiplied by your Auto-attack Damage. It's the only stat you can see on the primary character page.
#How much bandwidth does clicker heroes 2 use upgrade#
Each equipment upgrade increases your Auto-attack Damage stat by the amount shown next to the sword symbol. This is one of your most important stats, and it's the one you end up thinking about most. We're going to take a look at each of the primary stats with advice on which ones are most worth investing into, as well as what they actually do. Of course, it's really up to you what you prioritize. If you're going through the hardest world you have available, you will be more inclined to get those Gold-earning stat ups. If you're going through a world for EXP rather than general progression, you may put less priority on Gold and more on Critical Chance and Critical Damage. You want to prioritize certain stats over others depending on the sort of build you're going for in the world you're currently pushing through.

Knowing what each stat does ties directly into the game's equipment system.